Sharing a bit of our lives as ex-pats in Singapore with family and friends.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Sadly, my dear father-in-law, Jim, passed away today. He was a wonderful man with a fun sense of humor, many talents, and much charm. We miss him terribly.
The Brooks Family (Beth, Jess, Mike, Suzy, Gloria, Jim, Diana, Luke, Doug, Skip, Jim)
Luke & Beth
I think this is a funny picture.........Luke was telling us his "scary story" about the health club. Obviously, Beth and I were creeped out by it and Luke just looks sad.
I'm fairly certain that my orange tree is a Mandarin Orange tree, perhaps the willow variety. I'm not sure. There are several oranges ripening since I took this picture. The lady who sold it to me only spoke Chinese and called them "chilis". My friend, Jing, says they're wonderful cooked with chicken. I'll have to give it a try.